

N-trigドライバーのTabletPC API処理では内部的にタッチイベントを最大筆圧のペンイベントに変換して扱っているようで、メッセージフックベースでは介入できない様子。





6 件のコメント:

  1. hi! I don't speak japanese barelly english (I'm from argentine we talk spanish)

    I wanna thank you for this program I believe would be fundamental to artist in windows 8

    I worked in this project http://gahfe.deviantart.com/art/slatepal-330294614 I still need work in some adjustment for win 8, and your feature is great when the sidebar is in win 8 mode, you think about a command line or something to integrate with this ahk script?

    I don't found a control for block touch mouseevent in AHK but I can call your program

    I also worked in a project to call tabtip when you are in a text field (like win7) I can detect caret and this stuff but I can't control the position of the tabtip windows beacause has strange HWND, but again I only know a little of AHK and cant do it

    thank you again

  2. and your feature is great when the sidebar is in win 8 mode <- I mean in photoshop mode

    I hope you can understand me

  3. >>you think about a command line or something to integrate with this ahk script?

    Thank you for watching.
    I'm guessing by My poor English, You need simple Application?
    The App that do touch toggle,when every the App start.

  4. yes I know. I'm talking about a version without graphical interface. calling the controls via command line (something like untouch -gurd) this would be cool to integrate with other GUI.

    But I'm only asking, Your achievement is great and is very useful, thanks again

  5. I understand.
    Now, I making Next Version.
    (Now Ver work for "WinTab API". but don't work for "TabletPC API".)

    I'll add "command line toggle" into next Ver.
    maybe a few days.

  6. great, thanks again for sharing!
